Working outside in the Florida sun was in incredible.  Especially knowing that it was sub zero back in Minnesota. 

Our last day in Florida we planned a sunset trip to Pier Park beach, a dog friendly beach just up the coast from the State Park.   Fog rolled in and put a damper on the view but the dogs had a great time.   

This is more what we expected:

This is what we got:

St Mary’s Georgia gave us more beautiful sunny days in the 70’s.  Working outside in the sun next to a crooked river was just what we expected when we started planning this trip.    

Cece and Odie enjoyed a late afternoon walk on the Palmetto Trail.  It was cool to be in a forest of tall pines (with pinecones the size of your head) mixed into the mini palm trees or palmettos. 

Visited the Pirates Point bar and grill for some shrimp and grits and popped into The Bloody Bucket Bar (a dive bar just outside the campground) for a beer.  Lots of authentic Southerners.  Interesting how we can have so much in common but yet be so different.