FIRST…Let’s start with this handsome fellow in a fabulous scarf!

Made it to Singing Hills RV Park in Kentucky after a beautiful drive up from Northern Georgia with a quick stop at a great Mediterrean cafe called Cafe Ostro. The rock formations along the highways were spectacular and the views from Lookout Mountain and Flat Top Mountain were awesome!  Pictures can’t do it justice! (InOtherWords my pictures were non-existent) We enjoyed the last camping days of the trip with nice sunny weather and temps in the 70’s. 

Bruce and Andie (Truck and Camper) are getting along great!

It’s hard to describe the vastness and quietness of a hike through the winter forest that skirts a completely abandoned campground. This one got a little “scary” at times with a twig cracking somewhere down the way and some questionable signage. But we made it back before dark and the pics and videos don’t show any of that 😉 

Mammoth Cave National Park truly lived up to its name!  The cave has over 400 miles of known caverns and the ½ mile we were able to see was plenty impressive. We will go back for a more extensive tour (hopefully with headlamps) when we have more time and no dogs.

The pictures above show the land that covers Mammoth Cave, a map of the caves and pile of rock that looks very insignificant in the picture but is a giant hole (about 45 ft. high and wide) that periodically (hundreds of year between) will open up to the earth above and then fill back in over time.

A Valentine’s date at Cracker Barrel was a great way to feel young and fill up with someone else’s home cookin’!

Time to winterize the camper before heading north to Lake Michigan and Indiana Dunes.  The little rig really worked great and we are grateful we have been able to take such a long trip with our little home away from home in tow!