The Things You See When You Slow Down

  • A Giant Pink Elephant!

  • A Super Old Church and Cemetery!

  • An Even Older Gigantic Oak Tree!





It’s not every day you see two nicely posing dogs next to a giant pink elephant!

We also stopped at the largest live oak tree east of the Mississippi – Angel Oak Tree. It was quite impressive and had to have its limbs supported in places.  That’s MK behind one of the limbs.  It’s estimated to be between 300 and 400 years old.

The old Sheldon Church was built between 1745 and 1753. It was burned by the British in 1779 and burned again by General Sherman in 1865. There were many ancient gravestones around the site. Many were for very young children; it makes us think we take modern medicine for granted.

Family Gravesite